Sunday, 23 September 2007

meeting 22 sep

this image is one of the results of the meeting of irina and berni. we thought of adding another small interactive project for the visitors of the LABF'07. it is the idea that the visitors take part in a mapping process on one big map. mapping attributes can range from spatial information to perceptional information. berni


Anonymous said...

Could all of you please think of attributes or categories that might be interesting to include in the graph.

Anonymous said...

yeah, it might be a very good idea if we have an interactive project for vistors and worthy of considering.

Does this interactive project show our concepts about what is mapping OR using our works to show how do they connect to Map?

Maybe we should think about our works(embryo step at the moment) how to arrenge our works to this big interactive map?

...umm...what am i talking about....sorry, hope u can get it.
Yep..I'd better put my concept and my model as soon as possible!!!

have a good night. good luck! :)

Anonymous said...

i think this additional project is not direct connected to our own (individual) projects. it was the idea of irina to envolve the visitors in the subject.

Anonymous said...

got it~~