Wednesday, 26 September 2007

model test part1.

Everyday Reality...


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

nice to see some work.
do you try to create one big collection of everyday objects or are they divided into different categories?
how do you choose your everyday objects?
did you build a frame to insert the single pages (transparent papers) or are they just mounted on each other, and then can be stuck onto everywhere?

Anonymous said...

Actually i want to create a series works of everyday objects, use the 'super normal' things to be the 'main role'. I haven't thought about how to divide things up.
Probably using certain word and then collecting images. EX: "Bottle" ---coke, milk bottle, wash liquid bottle, water bottle....etc.
I made a frame for each transparent paper and each frame with different height, therefore, u can have the depth to see these whole work. Then i need to think how to arrange their place, front, middle or back because they got very different effect.
I hope this work could be part of the house(I'm not sure yet) and it's better that people can play with this, change images regularly.
Thank u for questions!!!!

Anonymous said...

It's also interesting how transparency layers work with a background, because finally this objects mixing with environment, which surrounding it. So everyone could have a unique picture by putting it to their own background (wallpaper, dour, window, fridge, etc.)